I am an artist in Wisconsin.
Artist Statement
When first creating artwork, the first thing that I learned is that art can be a mode of self-expression. So the first artworks I created were full of emotion: Betrayal, having the life sucked from you, and being crushed. After creating these pieces there was a moment of self-reflection. The epiphany was that my heart contained a series of wounds from injustices in my life. These injustices consumed my being. When asked to publicly display my art I really did not want to, my insides screamed, “Do not let anybody see this dark festering woundedness!”, but my ego won over and the artworks were shown anyways.
After the period of self-reflection, I came to the realization that I truly did not want the art I was creating to define me. The reason I did not want to share the art I was creating was because it did not positively feed the individuals viewing these works. Sister Marie Kolbe who is a theology professor here at Silver Lake College said that art is meant to communicate the true beauty of God who is the first artist. Since God created creation in his image, everything that is created as art should reflect this beauty. When I heard this it astounded me. This moment awakened me! Art was not going to be just a moment of reflecting my emotions, but reflecting the love of the Father who wants to be in relationship with everyone. This experience changed my direction of art.
While the direction of art changed, I was also exploring my talents and mediums as an artist. The artworks that depicted dark times in my life where done with acrylic paint on canvas. The new direction of art inspired me to drawn the human body, especially the face by using the medium of graphite, charcoal, and chalk. When depicting the face I believe a crucial element is one’s eyes. The eyes are gateways to the soul. When wanting to communicate ones soul and their relationship, a great example is the lives of the saints. That the saints who have gone before us have lived a life of self-sacrifice to others, communicating their love for the Lord by surrendering themselves to His people. The lives of the saints have been beautiful works of art to the Lord, so they deserve to be depicted with great love.
Another medium that I have learned intrigues me is sculpture. That when building, carving, and or molding a piece, one can shape objects like God has shaped our very being. It is very calming to work on a piece and get lost in the repetitive movements of whittling the material to show fine detail. When carving, every movement is precise, intentional and smooth. The materials that have intrigued me so far is wood and plaster. Through these mediums one can show the great emotion of a human moment. Sculpture can capture human emotion as much as a photo might. Through carving simple forms with intentional movement, one can be moved to understanding the relationship in the moment that is depicted.
Using the new found art techniques and drive to draw people in the closer relationship with the Lord, has opened me to a new and more beautifully profound world. A world that is forever revealing secrets of the Lords beauty. While exploring knew mediums I hope that people may be drawn to the love that has inspired these pieces. The love of the Lord, who unceasingly wants to express his love to his loved ones, who are the human race.
After the period of self-reflection, I came to the realization that I truly did not want the art I was creating to define me. The reason I did not want to share the art I was creating was because it did not positively feed the individuals viewing these works. Sister Marie Kolbe who is a theology professor here at Silver Lake College said that art is meant to communicate the true beauty of God who is the first artist. Since God created creation in his image, everything that is created as art should reflect this beauty. When I heard this it astounded me. This moment awakened me! Art was not going to be just a moment of reflecting my emotions, but reflecting the love of the Father who wants to be in relationship with everyone. This experience changed my direction of art.
While the direction of art changed, I was also exploring my talents and mediums as an artist. The artworks that depicted dark times in my life where done with acrylic paint on canvas. The new direction of art inspired me to drawn the human body, especially the face by using the medium of graphite, charcoal, and chalk. When depicting the face I believe a crucial element is one’s eyes. The eyes are gateways to the soul. When wanting to communicate ones soul and their relationship, a great example is the lives of the saints. That the saints who have gone before us have lived a life of self-sacrifice to others, communicating their love for the Lord by surrendering themselves to His people. The lives of the saints have been beautiful works of art to the Lord, so they deserve to be depicted with great love.
Another medium that I have learned intrigues me is sculpture. That when building, carving, and or molding a piece, one can shape objects like God has shaped our very being. It is very calming to work on a piece and get lost in the repetitive movements of whittling the material to show fine detail. When carving, every movement is precise, intentional and smooth. The materials that have intrigued me so far is wood and plaster. Through these mediums one can show the great emotion of a human moment. Sculpture can capture human emotion as much as a photo might. Through carving simple forms with intentional movement, one can be moved to understanding the relationship in the moment that is depicted.
Using the new found art techniques and drive to draw people in the closer relationship with the Lord, has opened me to a new and more beautifully profound world. A world that is forever revealing secrets of the Lords beauty. While exploring knew mediums I hope that people may be drawn to the love that has inspired these pieces. The love of the Lord, who unceasingly wants to express his love to his loved ones, who are the human race.

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